About Us
"Loving those who don’t know Jesus and growing those who do."
About Us
Our La Casa de Cristo family is composed of many people from many different backgrounds, all of whom enrich our life together. Most visitors, however, do express an interest in knowing what we believe and how we are both similar to and different from other churches.
We encourage our La Casa family to get involved through these four areas:
- Connecting in a Group, finding your place within our many ministries
- Serving Strategically, discovering ways you can serve others
- Inviting Others, inviting a friend to worship with us in person or online
- Giving Systematically, offering your time, talent, and resources
All of our visitors in person and online come from different backgrounds, or no spiritual background at all, and we celebrate that diversity. Your questions are always welcome. If you would like to learn more about us, or if you have specific questions, we would love to hear from you. Please go to our contact page, then email or call us. Or fill out the form and we’ll get in touch with you.
The Holy Bible
Sin and Forgiveness
The Afterlife
Worship is actually worth-ship; when we worship, we acknowledge God’s worthiness to receive our love and praise. Worship is the appropriate response to all God is and all He has done. Lutheran worship uses a liturgy, a dignified and somewhat formal order of worship using responses both from Scripture and from the earliest worship services of the Church. You can find an example of our liturgy here.