
June 28, 2020

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Psalm 143:8

In reading through Promises from God for Daily Living, I found this devotion under Encouragement. To paraphrase:  

Most of us have experienced adverse circumstances that affect us as well as those we love. However, we have the assurance of God’s love for us. No matter what unexpected events and circumstances may occur, never lose sight of the fact that Jesus loves you with an unfailing and perfect love. He will ease your burden if you turn to Him in prayer and faith. He will allay your fears and concerns and give you His Holy Spirit to comfort and lead you. If you take God at His Word and listen to His promises, you will enjoy His blessings as well as His peace that drives out all fear (1 John 4:18).

I wasn’t sure what “allay” meant, so I looked it up. The verb “allay” means to put to rest or relieve, such as fears and concerns. When you allay something, you calm it or reduce difficulties. I like this word. I’m going to try to use it more during these times.

Heavenly Father, I pray for peace, patience, wisdom, and love, all in Your Name. Amen.

Cara Hoffman

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