Friday, April 17
Friday, April 17 Schedule:
- 5:50pm ~ Youth Online chatroom and video countdown begins on
- 6:00-6:30pm ~ Youth band worship and interactive messages from your leaders.
- 6:30-7:00pm ~ Zoom Small Groups!
Questions from the “Into the Unknown” video:
- Who is learning the Christian faith from you?
- What are the most important character traits for followers of Jesus?
- What do you need bigger faith for these days?
- What are the great promises of God we can put our trust in?
- When I think of “the unknown” I think of ____? I feel ____?
- What risks are you taking in your life with your faith?
- How can we be filled with the Holy Spirit?
- Following Jesus’ example, what can we do to bring more light, life and love into the world?
We will have 8 Zoom groups that are password protected:
- Junior High Girls hosted by Pam Turman and other female leaders.
- Junior High Guys hosted by Eddie Medina and other guy leaders.
- Three High School Girl Small Groups hosted by the female leaders.
- Three High School Guy Small Groups hosted by the guy leaders.
The Goal of Zoom Groups:
- Kids have shared that they miss their church friends and this is an opportunity for them to connect!
- Zoom Meetings are only 40 minutes long and they will fly by fast they are so fun!
- Get excited to hang with your church friends, share in a mini Bible study and prayer.
Meeting ID#’s and Passwords:
- We will text blast our Junior High parents the Zoom Meeting ID# and password for those online meeting rooms.
- The High School leaders will personally text high school youth in their small group the Zoom Meeting ID and password.
- We utilize the waiting room feature so please use your first/last name (no nicknames) to be admitted into the meeting by the group host.
How to Join a Zoom Meeting
1) Create Account – Complete on ASAP and practice with it if you are not familiar.
- A verification email will be sent to you.
2) Accept Invite to Join Meeting – Your meeting leader will text you a Meeting ID# and password to join their Zoom meeting.
- Use a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam/microphone (Phones work too, just harder to view everyone).
- Select “Join a Meeting” and type in the Meeting ID# and password provided to you by Chris, Suzan, or HS Leader.
- You will want to click yes to sharing your computer’s video and audio.
In-Meeting Etiquette
- Please keep your microphone muted except when talking (see image below) as background noises can be distracting (chompin on chips, dogs barking, your Billie Eilish music, etc.)