One LORD, One Faith, One Baptism - Ephesians 4:5
Like most Protestants, Lutherans accept two sacraments- Baptism and Holy Communion. In Baptism, God makes the baptized person a member of his family and bestows on him/her the gift of the Holy Spirit. Lutherans baptize all ages, infant to adult, and most Lutheran congregations baptize by pouring a small amount of water upon the head. If you or someone in your family would like to be baptized at the church we welcome you with open arms.
Please find an orientation class below that fits your schedule.
After you have completed orientation, please call the church office, (480) 948-1234, to schedule the baptism.
GOD bless you!

Upcoming Baptism Orientations
Meet in the conference room of the church office at 9:15am
Meet in the conference room of the church office at 9:15am
Meet in the conference room of the church office at 9:15am