July 9, 2020
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2
In a time when opinions are so quickly and easily shared via social media, it’s easy to get pulled into the trap of liking/disliking, friending/unfriending, getting behind or arguing against an idea that is splashed across a social media platform. In a culture where so much divisiveness occurs (us and them, good and bad, right and wrong, political party vs. political ideology) it’s best to pause before you post.
I’m not saying there isn’t right and wrong. I’m just saying that even if you have the Biblically sound answer to the statement before you, pause for a moment to put yourself behind the device of the person you are reacting to. Do the words you are about to type need to be said? Are they uplifting or convicting? Harsh or gentle? Kind, patient, and empathetic, or rude, rash, and designed to “win” (likes, friends, etc.)? You may choose to respond, correct, or ignore their post. But giving yourself that pause allows you time to think before you respond.
In a world where we can voice our opinions without looking at the receiver’s face we’re given this great reminder from Ephesians: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” The next time I’m looking through my social media feeds I pray that God will bring this verse to my mind so that I don’t respond in a way that would not bring honor and glory to Him. My intention is not to change anyone else, but to be open to allowing God to change my heart so I can better reflect His love to others.
Donna Bosley