Carillon de Cristo Handbell Choir

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" - Psalm 98:4

Carillon de Cristo Handbell Choir

Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm
Music Rehearsal Room

Registration is always open for the handbell choir, ages 14+. Although rehearsals will occur less frequently in the summer, there will be occasional ringing opportunities so you are welcome to get involved at any point—it’s an ideal time to get extra training/instruction! The spring season begins officially on Tuesday, Jan. 9th.

Ringing handbells is a combination of music-making and sport. This energetic group plays music of medium to high difficulty levels, ringing with 5 octaves of both handbells and handchimes. If you have interest in praising our Lord by playing in the Carillon de Cristo handbell choir, contact Dr. Jeremy Peterman at or (480) 948-1234

Recent Performances

Fum, Fum, Fum

Away in a Manger

Easter Joy


Brethren, We Have Met to Worship

Mountain Mist