Laurie Secor

Living Water

May 28, 2020

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living, water will flow from within them.” John 7:38

I remember walking in the cold stream that runs through Oak Creek Canyon in Sedona as a child. It took lots of practice to hop from rock to rock without slipping on the mossy parts. I found great joy lifting up rocks and trying to catch crawfish and small fish in my hands, only to exam them briefly before releasing them. I loved listening to the sound of rushing water. It would give me peace and at the same time I was witnessing power in motion.

John 7:38 says “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” This Bible verse makes me think of a stream that has to make its way through or around any obstacle and it can’t be stopped.  I think the same can be said about God’s power! The “living water” that rises up in all of us is the Holy Spirit. The “living water” or Holy Spirit rises up within us and gives us the courage to face any obstacle and overcome it!

When my oldest son was baptized at La Casa, in the Gathering Place prior to the sanctuary being built, we used actual water from the River Jordan. The same river John the Baptist baptized Jesus! Talk about “living water!”

The next time you wash your hands, which is more frequently for all of us right now, remember that the “living water” of the Holy Spirit is hard at work within you! God is unstoppable when we trust in Him!

Laurie Secor

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Live by Faith

May 21, 2020

“For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

I love taking walks with our dogs, not only for exercise but also as my time to connect with God and nature. Recently on my walks I have noticed a lot of painted rocks and sidewalk chalk designs with inspirational sayings or Bible quotes. Having the community come together to encourage one another makes me smile. There is so much negativity in the world and seeing kindness and compassion in even these small ways is refreshing!

As I was walking my dogs last night I noticed a new rock that said: “We walk by faith and not by sight.” This got me thinking. What if I took a new path home? Would I trust God to help me find my way? The Bible is filled with stories about men and women trusting God to help them as they walked through life.

God shows us time and time again that we can trust Him and allow Him to lead us on our journey through life. We may not see the air around us but we know it is there moving the trees, filling our lungs so we can breathe. The same can be said about living by faith, just because we can’t see God doesn’t mean He’s not hard at work.

Perhaps you can walk by faith and not by sight today by taking a new path around your own neighborhood. Maybe you’ll postthis Bible verse on your computer or fridge to help encourage you. You could also write an encouraging note to your neighbor or friend.

Laurie Secor

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Multiply His Presence

May 14, 2020

“He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30

Having more time at home as a family has meant many more dishes, less laundry and more time together than ever. We’ve had ample time to watch movies in the evenings and on the weekends. Looking back 4 short months ago, our busy schedules didn’t allow for time to watch a movie as a family or even have consistent family dinners.

What a difference a few months makes. Our family has bonded in ways I couldn’t have never imagined. While there are many positive things that have happened, there have also been difficult times, such as getting on each other’s last nerve.

One way my family has bonded was by watching Christian movies. Last weekend we watched the movie “Greater.” Throughout the movie I couldn’t ignore God’s voice quietly saying “See me there…and over there.” I focused more on the message God was wanting me to hear.

John 3:30 says “He must become greater; I must become less.” I recommend this movie to watch as a family. I also find it important to apply this great message into your own life by taking daily walks and talks with God.

God is not meant to just be acknowledged on Sundays’. He wants our every moment of every day. God becomes greater when we become less about ourselves. He becomes greater when we put other’s needs before our own.

Laurie Secor

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Seek God First

May 7, 2020

 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”Matthew 6:33

I was stopped in my tracks by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit spoke to me at two in the morning. It was like hearing my first middle and last name and I knew I needed to listen!

One of my favorite hymns, when I was growing up  was  Seek ye first.  I started to sing the first verse in my head at two in the morning.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God 

And His righteousness; 

And all these things shall be added unto you. 

Allelu Alleluia 

The Holy Spirit has an amazing way of reminding us what we need to focus on. We’re always looking for something or someone to make us happy. Maybe we are trying to find love or just more coffee and yet when we’re not seeking God first, we may come up empty-handed.
When we seek Him first we give Him our first thought and our last thought!
I challenge you to seek God first every day.

Laurie Secor

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Steeped in Faith

April 30, 2020

“You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” Psalm 139:5

I am always amazed how adding a teabag to hot water can magically transform a once plain water into a tasty, comforting beverage.

The process known as “steeping” is done by leaving the leaves in heated water to release the flavor and nutrients. Imagine if our faith was like a teabag! The longer it stays in the water (us) the stronger the taste (our faith) is.

We can make our faith stronger by sharing His word with others, taking time to pray during good and difficult times and knowing that the Holy Spirit lives in each of us to keep us connected to Him. God can grow our faith no matter how small, He can do anything!

Laurie Secor

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