September 11, 2020
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Hebrews: 10:22
In this passage of Hebrews, we are reminded of the old covenant and now the new covenant with Jesus. The old covenant reminded people to do “acts” of cleansing for forgiveness. But the new covenant tells us to ask forgiveness for our sins through prayer. We are baptized once in pure water, but we are to continue our baptismal promise by asking for forgiveness daily. We are reminded in this passage to come before the Lord in prayer and to simply ask for his forgiveness. We must still have a clean heart and conscience when we approach the Lord in our daily lives as well as in all that we do in the name of Jesus. God offers us continuous forgiveness whenever we ask with a pure heart and love for our Lord Jesus Christ. He knows that we are human, and that we sin, but he continuously offers forgiveness for everyone who asks.
A simple prayer for forgiveness: My Jesus, please forgive me for all my failings, in what I have said and not said or what I have done or not done. I ask that you continually help me to be a better person and help me follow you all the days of my Life. Amen.
Colleen Wiley