Paradise Valley Food Bank
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat..." -Matthew 25:35
Paradise Valley Food Bank
This month we are focusing on: Tooth Brushes/Tooth Paste
Next month we are focusing on: Canned Fish and Meat
47 million people face hunger in the U.S. — including more than 14 million children. Hunger knows no boundaries — it touches every U.S. community, including ours.
Would a can of soup make your day? Probably not! We live in a community that doesn’t think twice about spending $10 at McDonald’s or $100 at the supermarket. Yet, there are people in our northeast Phoenix and Scottsdale communities who can’t afford to feed their family soup! We can make a difference in their lives.
Please remember the Paradise Valley Community Food Bank as you do your grocery shopping. The needs of the hungry are year-round. Based on food bank requests, the church collects specific items each month. Donations are collected at the church office Mon.-Fri., 9 am-4 pm, in a large wooden bin outside the office. You may also bring donations to weekend worship and look for the marked bins. All food staple items are gratefully accepted anytime.
Still looking for ways to help? You can volunteer to deliver the collected food to the Paradise Valley Community Food Bank. Use the sign-up form below ⬇︎