Paradise Valley Food Bank


Hungry? Would a can of soup make your day? Probably not! We live in a community that doesn’t think twice about spending $10 at McDonald’s or $100 at the supermarket. Yet, there are people in our northeast Phoenix and Scottsdale communities who can’t afford to feed their family soup! We can make a difference in their lives.

Please remember the PV Community Food Bank as you do your grocery shopping. The needs of the hungry are year-round. Based on food bank requests, the church collects specific items each month. Donations are collected at the church office Mon.-Fri., 9 am-4 pm, in a large wooden bin outside the office. You may also bring donations to weekend worship and look for the marked bins. All food staple items are gratefully accepted anytime.

Regularly Needed Items

Food Items
  • Canned chicken
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Peanut Butter
  • Tuna
  • Cold cereal
  • Pasta
  • Breakfast bars (Granola, Kind, Nutrigrain, etc.)
  • Canned chili, beef stew, canned pasta
  • Canned Fruit

*Please, no glass jars. 

Non-Food Items
  • Bars of hand soap
  • Toilet tissue
  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush

Deliveries are done Monday through Friday each week, 9 am-3 pm. Volunteers make their own schedule. It is important, however, that items are delivered weekly to avoid a heavy load for the volunteer the following week. Help is available, if needed, to off-load the food at the food bank.

What does the volunteer job of transporting food from La Casa de Cristo to the food bank entail? 

Picking up food at La Casa once a week and delivering it to the food bank located at 10862 N. 32nd Street, (602) 867-9228.

How much food is there? 

The amount varies from week to week, usually in many small bags (no boxes). The volunteer checks in at the church office to receive a key to access the areas on campus to collect the food items.

How much time does this take each week? 

It should take no more than 1 1/2 hours to pick up and deliver the items.

You may call the church office at 480-948-1234 to register.