God Has Called You

August 2, 2020

 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27

The human body is remarkable. All the different systems, organs, nerves, and tissues work together in one package to accomplish what our brain asks of it. When I think of God as the brain of the church, and all of Christ’s followers, with varying gifts and abilities as the body, I wonder what my specific purpose is. Sometimes I am called to complete a task that I feel ill equipped to do. I then wrestle with thoughts like: Am I really called to do that task? Is that something for which I am (or should be) responsible? Surely God has someone else who is better able to do that than I am.  

If I continue to make excuses, I will not follow whatever God has planned for me to do and I am disobedient. If God asks me to do it, I am called to act and do what He wants done. When I question if I am the right person for the task, I question God’s ability to discern who would be best for the job. Who am I to question God’s discernment?

When I complete the task, I may not feel as though I have done the best job of anyone I can think of, though I always try to complete things to the best of my ability. I trust that God has a plan and that He will use the gifts and talents He has given me to produce His desired outcome. Since I do not know exactly how God is moving in my life it is easy for me to get off track. But I know that God is moving in my life and I do not need to worry about how He will use my obedience—I trust that He will use it for His glory. God has created us each uniquely as He wants us to be, so we need not wish we had other gifts or talents which may seem more appealing to us. God knew what He was doing when He created us to be the people we are and He knows what He is going to do to use us to fulfill His plans and grow His church. Thinking about this and resting in God’s promises brings me peace and I hope that it brings peace to your heart as well.

Donna Bosley

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