July 20, 2020
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both present life and the life to come. 1Timothy 4:8
The fitness centers are closed again. For some, this is the worst thing that has happened during this pandemic, but they are able to find other ways to stay fit. They have found other ways to work their bodies, thinking up new ways to make that happen rather than trusting in their old routines.
In the same way, we can find ways to mix things up and not rely on our old routines of going to church on Sunday and only listening to what is offered but not actively taking part. This is a time when we can seek out ways to learn God’s Word and not rely on others to pull us in. It takes inner drive to work out on your own. That same inner drive can help us to do some soul searching and seek out God rather than passively trying to absorb his Word. Just as we have to be more thoughtful about how to keep our bodies in shape now, we have to put thought and effort into keeping our “godliness” in shape too.
Jody Goodvin