Hearing GOD

Hearing GOD

Pastor Carol Peters, D.Min

Sundays – Jan 8 – Feb 19 – 10:30am

Room B

Communication is a vital part of every relationship, including our relationship with God. We speak to the Lord in prayer, but how do we hear God speaking personally to us? Using Dallas Willard’s Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God, this 6-week course will open our ears to the voice of God. Join Pastor Carol Peters as together we hone our “spiritual listening skills.”

The book is available on Amazon-$18.99. (Click here to order) Reading Chapter 1 before the first class is recommended, but participants who do not buy the book are also welcome to attend.

Pastor Carol Peters, retired from La Casa de Cristo, now serves by teaching several classes a year and writes our wonderful Lenten devotional book. Pastor Carol grew up in Southern California, graduated from Cal State, Northridge, and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.  She earned her Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Seminary, Pasadena.  She served St. Paul Lutheran Church in Beachwood, NJ, for four years before being installed as the associate pastor at La Casa de Cristo in 1982. 

She retired, officially, on December 31, 2015.  She continues in ministry, occasionally preaching in various churches and also teaching at La Casa and elsewhere.  She is also active with the Arizona LCMC Pastors’ Fellowship. She has written a number of La Casa’s Lenten devotional studies.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6