June 25, 2020
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. Isaiah 58:9
We are living in the midst of a pandemic, something none of us has been through before. It is being termed “the new normal.” With this comes social distancing and quarantine. Many people feel shut in and alone. Now more than ever we need to live by faith not fear.
Ron Holm
A Prayer For Times When You Are Alone and Lost
Precious Father,
Wonderful Lord Jesus,
Abiding Holy Spirit,
Lord, I cannot find you.
I am lost and cannot find my way home.
I have been attacked and the wolves are howling for my flesh.
I am in pain so deep my soul seems to not exist any more.
What do I do?
I am kneeling here before you on the Cross as you are also crying out to your
Father, for you too are forsaken.
You know the pain I feel.
You know the distress eating my soul.
I am dashed to the ground and my bones are broken.
As I kneel here I can hear your groaning
I groan with you, for I am in pain.
Yet, at this instant when I am kneeling before you I hear your voice.
When I am thinking I am alone, I feel your touch.
When I am lost in my suffering, I see your truth and you strengthen me.
I can see you coming from far way to beat off the wolves trying to devour me.
I can hear the drum beats of your army marching to vanquish the foe so wanting to destroy me.
I can see the power of your love forming an armada of ships coming to my rescue.
In your love I am restored. In your love I am healed. In your love I will remain.
In the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit who lives in me and touches me.
Author unknown