Intentionally Loving Relationships

April 29, 2020

A cherished mentor of mine impressed this saying on me during my formative college years.

“Life change happens in the context of intentionally loving relationships.”

This short saying became a motto for my life and ministry and I’m so thankful it has. It is evident God has wired us for relationships and for community, which is also the means for our transformation and development.

How do we grow? The easy answer is through the influence of others. It’s hard to recall 5 specific sermons, class lectures or videos that most impacted our life. But it’s easier to recall 5 specific people who made a positive impact on you.

How did they shape you? And why did you allow them that opportunity over the hundreds or thousands of other possible people buying for your time? I’m convinced we don’t care about how much someone knows until we know how much they care. It is their “intention” that harnesses our “interest.” The most interesting people in the world, in my opinion, are the ones who are most interested in you. I would rather spend time with someone that cared about me than with someone who was incredibly interesting but only cared about themselves. Imagine a teenage guy meeting their favorite basketball star after a big game and the basketball star asked questions about the young player’s basketball training, shooting and dribbling skills. That would mean more to the teenage guy than if the basketball star gloated of his own accomplishments.

What vision for ourselves, for our life and our world has another person created for you? An even greater question and relationship we can align ourselves with is this… What vision for ourselves, our life and our world has God invited you into? Your greatest opportunity for positive life change is within your relationship with God, who intentionally reaches out to you and cares for you.

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7

My final challenge to our youth and our church is this… Be interesting and loving. What will make you interesting and loving is your intentional interest in others and in God. Watch out world! We have some interesting people here cooking up something special.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Chris

1 thought on “Intentionally Loving Relationships”

  1. Pastor. Chris, thank you for your time, attention and love for adventure that you have blessed our youth with. You have been the light in so many youth in our community and I know we have better teens/young adults because of your time, attention and passion for them over the years. I am sad that my younger children won’t have the same formative year experiences with you leading the way but I know you have left a firm foundation and the following pastors will bring up the LaCasa youth with your high standards and intentions in mind! Best of luck to you! Love and Blessings The Ness Family

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