
November 13, 2020

My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man he pleads with God as one pleads for a friend. Job 16:20-21

Many years ago I was part of the Little League board. It came to my attention that one of the coaches, who had been elected to the next year’s board, was a convicted drug dealer. He had a long history of drug trafficking, with warrants out in several states. He was eventually caught and served several years in prison. Eventually he moved to Arizona. None of this had been disclosed to the Board or any of the people he had coached over the years, which meant that he had not answered his application truthfully. I called the man and said that he either had to tell the truth to the Board and the families that he coached, or he would need to resign.

Needless to say, this was a very trying time for me. I had to hire a lawyer, friends turned against me, and I was afraid. I called the church to talk to Pastor Garman, but he was out of the office, so I left a message that I needed to see him. Shortly after, my friend Sandy called and asked if I had prayed to have this burden lifted from me. That had never occurred to me! Sandy said that was exactly what she had been praying for, for me. While talking with Sandy, Pastor Garman’s call came in, so I switched to talk to him. He said I should come to his office right away.

I poured out all the details to him and he said to me, “This is just too much for you. Leave me the documents. I will read them over and then I will go to the Board meeting and speak for you.”

Talk about an IMMEDIATE answer to prayer! I will always be grateful to Sandy for being my intercessor, and for pleading to God for her friend.

Dear Lord, please help me to look outside myself and be an intercessor for others. Thank you for blessing me with all the intercessors in my life, known and unknown to me. But you know who they are Lord. Please bless those who intercede for others. Amen.

Nancy Butters

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