March 27, 2020
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17
As we are all learning how to not only do church differently we are also learning how to do life differently. This may mean that our kids and spouses are home all the time. We may not be driving to work anymore. There’s not a gym to go to, a practice to attend or even a fully stocked grocery store. As humans we are built to be social and move around. We enjoy getting out and seeing the world. It’s a crazy time right now and we have to learn how to live life in a different way right now. We need to find the new social way to do things. We also need to find ways to continue to share our faith and continue our fellowship from a distance.
As much as this is a small challenge right now, we can get through this. We live in amazing times right now. We have a huge menu of technology and resources to help us reach our community. As disconnected as we might feel with the “social distancing” world we are living in right now, we can still reach out to people though calls, texts, emails, social media and our website.
This also gives us a great opportunity to check in with people and open up new lines of communication. It is an opportunity to do ministry in a new way.
Like the above verse states, God’s faith is for everyone and we need to live by faith and with faith. As times have changed let us continue looking to God as He continues to work in our lives.
Eddie Medina