Microwave Mentality

April 1, 2020

“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8

Microwaves have been in American households since the late 1990’s. Most of us do not know life without one. Microwaves have more power than just to zap our food in seconds, they also have demonstrated the power to make us impatient in how fast we expect our needs to be met.

We live in a world where I usually can get what I want, when I want it… and we want it now.  If I can’t get it when I want it, I’ll go somewhere else.

Wow… strong words… but honest.

We live in a world where “normally” anything and everything is instantly accessible. Fast food, “friends” online, and endless and instant entertainment options on our televisions, computers, and phones. Lagging internet or a dead cell phone battery frustrates our plans and our patience. When it does frustrate us, we have options to go somewhere else and we usually do.

The good news is that God is extremely patient with us, rational, slow to anger and rich in love.

Pastor Chris Tansey

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