June 10, 2020
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3
I am in awe of marathon runners, all the training, time, and perseverance it takes to complete 26.2 miles. If an average person who hasn’t trained tried to run 26.2 miles they couldn’t do it without possible injuries, extreme dehydration, and exhaustion. Perseverance is overcoming difficulties and obstacles no matter how long it takes.
Just as marathon runners train to build up endurance or perseverance, we can build up our spiritual perseverance to help get us through tough times. The trials we are experiencing right now are testing all of us.
I am reminded of the story of Job, whose suffering and struggles are an inspiration. Job loses everything—his land, livestock, and children—and is even plagued with sores all over his body. But he learns to stay faithful to God no matter what and persevere. In the end, he gains much more than he originally had.
How can we have faith like Job? Start and end our day in prayer; allow God into all aspects of our lives; and remember we are never alone and that God is always with us!
Laurie Secor
This is one of my fave passages!