Pray for your Pastors

Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. James 3:1

Have you prayed for your pastors today? For all of the pastors, all over the world, seeking God daily for His plan, His guidance, His wisdom? 

I grew up in the church. My uncles all were pastors, my dad has worked in a church for as long as I can remember, and I have worked in churches for longer than I’ve worked anywhere else. My uncle, whom I worked with the longest, always told me, every day, every church you pass by, pray, “Bless all that is blessable.” 

I was so very blessed to grow up in a family where my dad was for us, the family as a whole, never himself. My mom and dad didn’t always agree. But she ALWAYS told me, “I ALWAYS know that your dad has prayed about this, and that he is for us.”

So are our pastors. They are for us. We are blessed. They pray, they seek wise counsel constantly, and are always for us. We may not always agree, but they are the head of this household, and God has placed them before us for a reason. I’m so thankful it’s not me! 

Have you prayed for our pastors today? 

Kelly McKennon

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