This Weekend In Worship

Let’s have some fun in worship this weekend while learning about our great God!  Do this on your own or with your family…  Get creative and search your home for these items (or at least the closest you can come up with – it’s all for fun!). 
You will need:
– The coolest belt you can find!
– A breastplate (paper plates? cardboard?)
– The BIGGEST STOMPING Boots you can find!
– A super awesome shield
– A helmet to protect your noggin!
– A sword (not a dangerous one, a super cool one!)
Ok, get all your items and plop down on the couch for this weekend’s message!  We’ll see you online at 5:oo pm on May 2 or 8:00, 9:15, and 10:30 am on May 3.  This is gonna be fun!

Questions and Answers:
Q: Am I too cool for this?
A: No.

Q: Am I too old for this?
A: You’re never too old to be awesome.  There are no age restrictions on this one.
Q: What is going on?
A: Awesomeness, pure awesomeness.  That’s what.
Q: Should I have my kids do this?
A: Yes, yes you should.  And you should do it with them.
Q: Should I call my grandkids in another state and tell them about this?
A: Yes.  Stop reading this right now and call them.  Here’s your script: “Hi, this is grandma / grandpa.  I love you and miss you.  Oh, and check out what our church is doing this weekend, this is gonna be fun.  Ok, bye.”
Q: I don’t know about this…
A: Yes you do.  Now go get your things!