Proclaim the Good News

October 6, 2020

Then they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and curing diseases everywhere. Luke 9:6

This passage in Luke is about the apostles who were sent out by Jesus to tell the good news and heal the sick. WOW, wouldn’t it be great to have them around right now? With all the craziness of the last seven months, maybe we have forgotten about the Good News of the gospels and the healing touch of Christ. Now more than ever we need to not lose sight of the promises of God. He has given us so much, but we are impatient in understanding his ways. We need to pray for healing for our world from the horrible disease of Covid-19 as well as for divisions among people here and all over the world. Let us not be quick to judge others or ignore their pain. Let us bring healing and God’s Good News to everyone we encounter. For like the apostles, Christ sends us out too, to proclaim the Good News and to do our part in helping to prevent and heal diseases.

Dear Lord, help us to go out into the world to proclaim your Good News. Let us be slow to anger and quick to forgive. Help us to listen and to hear you in the voices of others. Hear our prayers for healing for all those who are sick or afflicted in mind, body, or spirit. In your glorious name, amen!

Colleen Wiley

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