Psalm 23

August 12, 2020

Psalm 23

Here is a contemporary version of Psalm 23 that I think is quite meaningful. I hope and pray you do too:

The Lord is my strength, I shall not panic.
He helps me relax and rest in quiet trust.
He reminds me that I belong to Him and restores my serenity;
He leads me in my decisions and gives me calmness of mind.
His presence is peace.
Even though I walk through the valley of fear of failure, I will not worry, for he will be with me.
His truth, grace, and lovingkindness will stabilize me.
He prepares release and renewal in the midst of my stress.
He anoints my mind with wisdom;
My cup overflows with fresh energy.
Surely goodness and mercy will be communicated through me,
For I shall walk in the strength of the Lord, and will dwell in His presence forever. 

Lord, may this contemporary rendering of the 23rd Psalm provide me with a prayerful confession of faith for my day today. Amen.

Pastor Joel Bjerkestrand

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