Christmas Cantata Special Traditional Worship in La Casa's Sanctuary on 6300 E Bell rd Scottsdale Arizona Music
cross organ sanctuary Christian Music Lutheran scottsdale arizona
La Casa de Cristo Sanctuary Front View
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Scottsdale Philharmonic Concert | 10-13-2019 | La Casa de Cristo Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church
Contemporary Church - Scottsdale Arizona La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church
scottsdale church Contemporary Lutheran Worship Scottsdale Arizona church worship music
scottsdale arizona lutheran church - la casa de cristo contemporary lutheran worship
Contemporary Lutheran Worship - La Casa de Cristo Scottsdale Arizona - Pastor Matthew Knopf Sermon

La Casa de Cristo - A Scottsdale Church

La Casa de Cristo is a Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church who is composed of many people from, many different backgrounds. Most visitors to our Lutheran Church, however, do express an interest in knowing Lutheranism and how La Casa de Cristo is similar to, and different from, other churches in the Scottsdale, Arizona area.

Many of our visitors do not adhere to Lutheranism and we think that’s wonderful! Questions on Christian and Lutheran beliefs are always welcome. If you would like to learn more on the Lutheran faith, or if you have specific questions on Christianity in general, we would love to hear from you. Please phone the church office to make an appointment with one of the pastors.
church at la casa de cristo lutheran church scottsdale, arizona

Worship Times

Traditional Worship: Saturdays, 5pm
Sundays, 8am (online-only) & 9:15am (in-person)
Contemporary Worship: Sundays, 10:30am (in-person offered)

Located at 6300 E Bell Rd., Scottsdale, Arizona 85254, La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church cooperates in ecumenical ministries with all denominations and faith-based Christian agencies who confess the Christian Faith, Lutheran and non-Lutheran. We are governed by a Board of Trustees composed of our members who are men and women elected by the congregation. All are welcome to our ministries here, you do not need to be a member of our Church to worship or be involved in the life of the church.

Interested in Joining La Casa de Cristo?

Pictured here is our very dedicated staff of full and part-time individuals who work, alongside our many hundreds of volunteers, to make worship at La Casa de Cristo special, reverent, and loving.

We hope that you come join us here, in Scottsdale, Arizona, and experience Jesus in a heart-felt way.

Want to Watch Our Live Stream?

We here at La Casa de Cristo offer many different options for live-streamed worship. Our Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church has weekend worship is offered on YouTube, Facebook, and on our very own live-stream platform—find these in the buttons below.

As well, our kids, youth, and educational classrooms are all live-streamed every Sunday morning, along with any weekend events occurring. These can all be found on our Live-Stream webpage.

We also offer congregants access to our phone app, located on all major app stores. This app allows you to access our streams on Roku & Apple TV. We also offer our worship bulletin on our app, along with access to many of our past live-streamed events, such as with our Adult Education.

stream image for scottsdale arizona lutheran church

Why Scottsdale, Arizona?

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Cactus | why scottsdale arizona | la casa de cristo lutheran church in scottsdale arizona phoenix
Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church - La Casa de Cristo - drone image of front doors open 3
scottsdale arizona sunset la casa de cristo lutheran church phoenix worship

Our beautiful campus is located alongside the ever-expanding North Phoenix and North Scottsdale, Arizona, what is known as “The Most Western Town.” La Casa de Cristo is nestled in-between the emerging Mayo Clinic area and the Scottsdale Road auto mall, only 10 minutes from the Scottsdale Airport!

Scottsdale received its name from Winfield Scott, retired Army chaplain, back in 1984 and was incorporated in 1951. As part of the Phoenix, Arizona metro area, Scottsdale is located adjacent to Phoenix, Tempe, Paradise Valley, and the Tonto National Forest, having over 250,000 people in its population. 

Scottsdale churches are dynamic here in the Arizona area, located throughout the valley in many shapes and faiths. The Lutheran faith is very strong in the Scottsdale region. La Casa de Cristo is very blessed to be located among brethren in the Christian and Lutheran faith throughout the area. Each of these churches offer a piece of Christ to the public. 

We here at La Casa de Cristo specialize in offering elegant classical, traditional worship music through many beautiful instruments. Included in our Saturday Night (5 pm)and Sunday morning (8 & 9:15am) worship is a 91-rank Berghaus Pipe Organ and our Robert Davies Harpsichord. We also offer congregants the opportunity to worship through our 10:30am Contemporary Worship service.

The Most Western Town

Organist - Dr. Jeremy Peterman - La Casa de Cristo Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church located in Scottsdale, Arizona near Phoenix
Music at La Casa - Sanctuary Choir for Adults lutheran worship scottsdale arizona christian
scottsdale church lutheran music pipe organ phoenix arizona - sanctuary photo
organ and harpsichord - La Casa de Cristo Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church located in Scottsdale, Arizona near Phoenix
Thy word is a lamp unto my feed - contemporary lutheran worship - la casa de cristo scottsdale arizona lutheran church
The Lord's Supper - Contemporary Worship La casa de cristo scottsdale arizona lutheran church

The History of La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church

La Casa de Cristo Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church Timeline

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