Special Presentations – Jan 2020

 Paul's Unknown Mission - Mark Fairchild Slide


Paul’s First Mission in Syria and Cilicia

Date:         Sunday, January 5
Time:        9:15-10:15 am OR 10:30-11:30 am

Dr. Mark Fairchild might just be the last true explorer. When he’s not teaching ancient history and archeology at Huntington University, he’s exploring the wilderness of Turkey, the least excavated country in the Mediterranean. Join him as he takes us on the known and unknown paths of St. Paul, whose journeys spread throughout the region.

Dr. Fairchild received his Ph.D. in New Testament Studies from Drew University. He also completed Ph.D. coursework at Union Theological Seminary (NY) and Princeton Theological Seminary. Dr. Fairchild has twice received research grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. In 1992, he collaborated with 11 other scholars at Yeshiva University exploring the Greek encounter with Judaism during the Hellenistic Period.

Dr. Fairchild, a widely published author, is currently the Program Director for the Ephesus Meeting, an academic conference at the ancient site of Ephesus in Turkey.

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Managing Your Estate in God's Kingdom - La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church


How to Assist Your Heirs in Carrying Out Your Wishes

Date:         Sunday, January 12
Time:        9:15-10:15 am OR 10:30-11:30 am

As children in God’s kingdom, we have a responsibility to use for God’s glory the skills and resources He has given us. With that in mind, this presentation by La Casa de Cristo’s Mission Legacy team will provide the help you need to ensure that your legacy and wishes become reality. The presentation, together with an accompanying binder (available for purchase in class for $10), includes information in 10 categories to make the management of your estate organized and efficient. The binder’s comprehensive materials provide suggestions for you as well as information for your representative and cover how to administer an estate by using a will or a trust.

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