November 5, 2020
Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Isaiah 59:1
Today I’m sharing part of a devotion from Gwen Smith titled “Caught Between Trust and Worry.” She tells about her friend who has ridden motorcycles for years. Her friend tells a story that goes something like…
I love the feeling of being out in the open air. It’s exciting and invigorating. When I ride, I feel vulnerable and alert. It’s risky and requires balance. It’s much more difficult than driving my car, but I ride because it energizes me and makes me feel alive. This morning I rode my bike to work while it was still dark. I don’t usually do that because the headlight is small, so the light is dim. As I was riding, I began to thank God for allowing me to ride my bike to work. I thanked him for allowing me to feel alive and energized along the way. And as I did, He spoke to my heart. I sensed He was saying, “This is what I want my relationship with you to be like: exciting, risky, and energizing, like riding your motorcycle! But instead you take your car with me. You want to feel safe. You want to see with brighter headlights. You grasp for more control, by worrying and fretting about things you can do nothing about. In doing so, you miss out on a faith that is alive and energizing… a faith that trusts me and takes risks.”
Dear Lord. Give us courage to step out in faith, beyond what we can see or control. Amen.
Jody Goodvin