Summer Camp

God is our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46:1

Summer Camp

Summer Camp has been a long-standing tradition at La Casa de Cristo. Many of those who have gone to camp would even say it was the time when their relationship with God made sense to them for the first time. Others have said they made a personal decision to follow Christ with their whole heart because of their time at camp. Wherever you are on your faith journey, Summer Camp will play a special role in growing your walk with GOD.

Summer Camp is also a time for kids who are involved in Confirmation.   At any time, if you would like to join Confirmation we have ways for kids to catch-up on missed Confirmation course classes (if they decide to join mid-program).

Our Summer Camp is a requirement for our Confirmation Program. This is because Summer Camp offers a curriculum for better understanding the Triune GOD and your relationship with our LORD.  Also, this is a great way to be in community with others on the same journey.

What is Summer Camp Like?

Typical Camp Schedule:

  • Morning sessions on the Trinity in the beautiful Sedona outdoors
  • Afternoon fun and games, swimming at the creek
  • Evening worship and messages, strengthening our relationship with God
  • 3 delicious camp meals and YOUR cookie snacks, offered each day

Sign-up for Summer Camp