Sunday Morning Classes – Winter 2020


Dates:       Sundays: January 19-February 23

Time:        9:15-10:15 am

The Gospel of John differs from the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) in many ways. The most startling difference is in John’s account of Holy Week, the focus of this study led by Pastor Lloyd Wallace during the weeks preceding Lent.

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MarriedPeople - Marriage - La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church - Logo Date Night and Night Out, Sunday Series, and MpKids Ministries

Class:       THE GRACE FILLED MARRIAGE: Part 2 (Married People)

Dates:       Sundays, January 19-February 23

Time:        9:15-10:15 am OR 10:30-11:30 am

Love gets us married, but grace keeps us married because love can grow weary, stale, bruised, and even bitter from all the challenges inevitable in any marriage. No matter the shape of your marriage, this study is for you. Grace makes a good marriage better, more fun, and more a picture of Christ and the church. Join Jennine and David Ulibarri and Michelle and Doug Hayes for discussion on Giving Grace Its Rightful Place, Fighting Graciously, A Grace-Filled Money Makeover, The Legacy of Your Marriage, and much more.

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Class:      THE PRODIGAL PROPHET: Jonah and the Mystery of God’s Mercy

Dates:       Sundays, January 19-February 23

Time:        10:30-11:30 am

Join Pastor Joel Bjerkestrand as he explores Timothy Keller’s book The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God’s Mercy. Keller believes the biblical story of Jonah asks people to come to terms with the complex nature of God—wrathful, merciful, and just. It also reveals the dangers of invoking nationalism, fearing and rejecting the other, and believing that Christian identity can pass for Christian behavior. Examine these thought-provoking ideas as you discover new insights into one of the most familiar Old Testament stories.

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