July 23, 2020
I will show them My wonders. Micah 7:15
Ever since I was a little girl, as young as three years old, I’ve been in awe of God’s wonders. One of my earliest memories is of being at a doctor’s appointment with my mom for her pregnancy checkup. I stood frozen in wonder as I heard the baby’s heartbeat. All I could say was, “Do it again.”
Throughout my years, I’ve been blessed to see the wonders of God. I often find them in nature. The way the morning light glows through a flower or the amazing artwork that plays out during an Arizona sunset. God’s wonders and love shine through my connection with people, too. With a simple smile and wave to a child, I can see a twinkle in their eyes as they smile back. I hear the joy of God in laughter at any age. Keep smiling. Keep laughing.
There’s no question that our world and surroundings are different this year. But constant in our lives are God’s wonders and love. Christian speaker and author Nancy McGuirk suggests we “Turn down the volume of the world, and listen for the whisper of God.”
So turn off the television, look up from your phone, and you will hear the whisper of God. Find his wonders in your day-to-day life—they are all around you.
Elizabeth Geenen