We See You

March 30, 2020

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9a (NIV)

We see you. 

We see you, mom. That feeling of the never-ending to-do list, overflowing baskets of laundry, trying to keep your house clean. Craving some time just for you, but unable to squeeze it in. Feeling like you can’t do it all. 

We see you, dad. A constant workload, helping your family, pitching in with housework, fixing anything and everything, giving every last ounce of you to help others. 

We see you, Grandma and Grandpa. Wanting to spend time with grandkids, staying active, doctors appointments, always exhausting yourself for the needs of others.

We see you, 20 and 30 somethings. Searching for the best path in life, doing this whole adulting thing on your own, finding friends who get it and figuring out who you are. 

We see you, middle school and high school kids. Setting your goals, endless amounts of schoolwork, trying to find your purpose in this world while balancing it all. 

We see you, empty nesters. Adjusting to life without kids under your roof, supporting and loving them from afar, adapting to this new phase of life. 

We see you when you’re struggling, anxiety brewing, depression creeping in, trying to balance this thing called life.

We see you La Casa Family. Each and every one of you. No matter where you are in life, we see you. 

More importantly, God sees you. He sees you right where you are. He is with you every step of the way. When life gets overwhelming, turn to Him. He sees you and He loves you. 

Staci Medina

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