What to Expect at Worship

Welcome to the La Casa Family! You are welcome to join us for worship at any time. Here’s what to expect when you come to worship on our campus:

La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church Traditional Worship Sanctuary on 6300 E Bell rd. Scottsdale, Arizona
cross and organ at la casa de cristo scottsdale arizona lutheran church music
Contemporary Church - Scottsdale Arizona La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church
scottsdale church Contemporary Lutheran Worship Scottsdale Arizona church worship music

What Does a Typical Worship Service Look Like?

Worship includes music, a time of prayer, and a message.

What Time Should I Show Up?

People generally start coming into the worship space about 10-15 minutes before the service starts. That gives time to settle into your seat and get ready for worship. Services start promptly at the advertised times.

Worship Spaces and Where To Go

We worship in two distinct spaces: The Sanctuary is home to our traditional worship services and the Gathering Place is used for contemporary worship. Everyone is welcome to any of our worship services at any time. The Sanctuary is the tall building on the east side of campus. Enter through the main doors from the center courtyard. The Gathering Place is the large building near the southwest corner of our campus. You may enter directly from the main parking lot. Look for the sign above the doors that says Gathering Place.

Will I Be Expected to Give Money?​

No. Worship services are free and open to everyone in the community. The purpose of gathering is to worship God, with no strings attached. Many in our church community believe so much in the church’s mission that they give an offering to show their support for the work of the church. However, there is no expectation of first-time visitors to give a monetary offering.

What About My Kids?

Kids of all ages are always welcome in worship. Our nursery, for infants-3 years old, is available during 9:15 & 10:30 am worship services. Currently, Ignite Kids (3 yrs-6th grade) meets at 9:15 am in the Kids Room (Rm. 101 in the 2-story Education Bldg.) and Junior High and High School Youth meet at 9:15 am in Rm. 201 (Jr. High) and Rm. 205 (High School).

Christmas Cantata Special Traditional Worship in La Casa's Sanctuary on 6300 E Bell rd Scottsdale Arizona Music
Grace Notes Choir Christmas 2016
communion eucharist cup and cross at scottsdale church la casa de cristo lutheran church
Organist - Dr. Jeremy Peterman - La Casa de Cristo Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church located in Scottsdale, Arizona near Phoenix
organ and harpsichord - La Casa de Cristo Scottsdale, Arizona Lutheran Church located in Scottsdale, Arizona near Phoenix
Music at La Casa - Sanctuary Choir for Adults lutheran worship scottsdale arizona christian
Thy word is a lamp unto my feed - contemporary lutheran worship - la casa de cristo scottsdale arizona lutheran church
contemporary lutheran music scottsdale church la casa de cristo
Choir in Worship during Christmas Cantata at La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, Arizona
Christian Music Lutheran 92-Rank Berghaus Organ, Arizona's 2nd largest
Band of Believers - La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church Worship Team for Contemporary Worship
scottsdale arizona lutheran church - la casa de cristo contemporary lutheran worship
communion prayer by Pastor Jeff Ruby at a Lutheran Scottsdale Arizona Church la casa de cristo near Phoenix
The Lord's Supper - Contemporary Worship La casa de cristo scottsdale arizona lutheran church