Your willingness to help serve lifts our entire congregation up.

There are so many ways you can help...and we thank you!

Every week, we depend on you to help our pastors and church staff deliver an amazing and uplifting worship service. All volunteer signups are done through Worship Planning. See all the available volunteer positions below.

If you would like to serve or have more questions, please contact Myla Clark at or call 480-948-1234.

Welcome Center
Volunteers greet visitors to LCDC, answer questions about the church and its ministries, and provide information about upcoming New Member Orientations. Volunteers provide information about church happenings and direct members to the website. No special knowledge or skills are necessary, just a helpful attitude and a smile. Time commitment is approximately 15 minutes per each time you sign up.

Ushers are an integral part of each worship service. They are responsible for collecting the offering, ensuring a smooth flow during the Communion service, and being aware of anyone who may be in need of assistance.  If you currently serve as an usher, please indicate the service you attend so we can update our records.

Communion Assistant
The primary duty of the communion assistant is to serve wine or bread to each communicant during worship.   It is an honor to serve communion and should be approached with prayer and reverence.  Please contact the office for the next communion training class.

Lay Reading
Reading GOD’s word is a very important part of worship.  Readers are assigned to read the lesson and/or Gospel for one worship service. The readings and instructions are e-mailed to you in advance. 

Altar Guild
Altar Guild volunteers are responsible for setting up for Holy Communion prior to services, refilling between services, and/or cleaning up following services. Time commitment is approximately 30 minutes twice a month. Please contact the office for the next training class. 

Nursery Volunteer
Nursery volunteers assist the nursery staff with the care of children ages three and younger during the 9:15 & 10:30 church services on Sunday mornings. 

Training Videos

Welcome Table Training Video - Traditional Services

Welcome Table Training Video - Contemporary

How you can use Worship Planning

Setting up your Worship Planning account.

Navigating your Worship Planning dashboard.

Navigating Worship Planning on your smartphone.