Christmas Angel Tree
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat..." -Matthew 25:35
Christmas Angel Tree
Adoption Dates: Nov 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 27 and Dec 1
Return Dates: Wed, Dec 4, 8am to 7pm or Sat. Dec. 7, 1pm-4pm
Delivery Day: Sat, Dec 14, 8am - Meet at La Sagrada Familia Church
‘Tis the season for our La Casa Family to join together to share the love of Jesus through our Angel Tree outreach program.
Adoption tables will be in the courtyard after each worship service.
We hope that you will join us in sharing the love of Jesus in our community by participating in this year’s Christmas Angel Tree Program.
You may adopt an entire family for food and children’s gifts. You can also deliver the gifts to your family. (Adopting an entire family is the only way to guarantee you will be able to deliver to them on delivery day.)

Gordy Berg
Tony Coletta
Gift Cards
Here are a few examples of how varying amounts of gift cards or money will help families:
- One Child—$60 for gifts
- Three Children—$180 ($60 per child for gifts)
- Family of 3 (1 child)—$130 for child’s gifts and for food for family
- Family of 4 (2 children)—$190 for children’s gifts and for food for family
- Family of 6 (4 Children)—$310 for children’s gifts and for food for family
We are requesting Target, Wal-Mart, or Fry’s gift cards. You may hand-deliver them to the church office from 9 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday, or drop them in the offering boxes at worship in an envelope marked Angel Tree. Please do not mail gift cards or drop them through the office drop-slot after hours.