About Us

"Loving those who don’t know Jesus and growing those who do."

About Us

Our La Casa de Cristo family is composed of many people from many different backgrounds, all of whom enrich our life together. Most visitors, however, do express an interest in knowing what we believe and how we are both similar to and different from other churches.

We encourage our La Casa family to get involved through these four areas:

  • Connecting in a Group, finding your place within our many ministries
  • Serving Strategically, discovering ways you can serve others
  • Inviting Others, inviting a friend to worship with us in person or online
  • Giving Systematically, offering your time, talent, and resources

All of our visitors in person and online come from different backgrounds, or no spiritual background at all, and we celebrate that diversity. Your questions are always welcome. If you would like to learn more about us, or if you have specific questions, we would love to hear from you. Please go to our contact page, then email or call us. Or fill out the form and we’ll get in touch with you.

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God is the creator of the universe and continues to be intimately involved with His creation, sustaining it from day to day. People (including you and me!) are not here by accident but by God’s design. The one God has shown Himself to His creation as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (what Christians call the “Trinity”). Christmas is a celebration of the Son’s coming to earth and being born as a man. In His life, Jesus Christ demonstrated to us a life of obedience to God and revealed to us what the unseen God is really like. On the cross, He freely gave His life for us. Easter celebrates His resurrection from the dead; Jesus Christ is alive forever and reigns as Lord of all creation!

The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is foundational to the Christian faith. Through the books that make up the Holy Bible, God has spoken and continues to speak to us today. In its pages, Christians can discover who God is, what He expects from His people, what He has accomplished on our behalf, and what He has promised for our future. As the primary and authoritative witness to the Christian and Lutheran faith, the Holy Bible is the standard by which we evaluate all doctrine.

Sin and Forgiveness

Sin describes the condition of humankind: alienated from God and destined for death. Sin entered the world when people chose to live life in their own way rather than by God’s direction. It affects every area of our lives, including our relationships with other people and even with nature; and nothing we do can mend our broken relationship with God. Good News! What we could not do for ourselves, Jesus Christ has done for us. When God’s Son died on the cross, Jesus broke the power of sin and death. Now God freely offers us the gift of forgiveness and the possibility of a restored relationship with Him. Lutheranism considers this free gift grace, meaning we do not deserve God’s love and forgiveness nor can we earn these gifts. Christians simply trust God to give what He has promised and Lutherans understand this free gift. Grace is one of several important tenets of the Lutheran faith!

The Afterlife

Lutherans believe that Christian life is not a series of dos and don’ts but rather a response to God’s love. In our families, on the job, in service to others, and in prayer, our lives reflect our love and our gratitude to God. Christian life does not end with death! God gives us the gift of everlasting life in His Kingdom! Meanwhile, God calls all who believe in Jesus to be a part of His family on earth, the Church. Within Christian congregations of many denominations, God’s people experience mutual support and fellowship.


Worship is actually worth-ship; when we worship, we acknowledge God’s worthiness to receive our love and praise. Worship is the appropriate response to all God is and all He has done. Lutheran worship uses a liturgy, a dignified and somewhat formal order of worship using responses both from Scripture and from the earliest worship services of the Church. You can find an example of our liturgy here.


Like most Protestants, Lutherans accept two sacraments- Baptism and Holy Communion. In Baptism, God makes the baptized person a member of His family and bestows on him/her the gift of the Holy Spirit. Lutherans baptize all ages, infant to adult, and most Lutheran congregations baptize by pouring a small amount of water upon the head. In Holy Communion, in the tangible forms of bread and wine, Jesus’ real presence is there to offer us God’s forgiveness and renewed strength for daily living.
