Matter of Balance

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." - Galatians 6:2

Matter of Balance

Fridays, Jan 17 - Mar 7
1pm - 3pm
Room B

A Matter of Balance is specifically designed to reduce the fear of falling and improve activity levels among community-dwelling older adults. The program includes eight two-hour classes presented to a small group of 15 participants led by trained coaches. The program enables participants to reduce the fear of falling by learning to view falls as controllable, setting goals for increasing activity levels, making small changes to reduce fall risks at home, and exercise to increase strength and balance.

The curriculum includes group discussions, mutual problem solving, role-play activities, exercise training, assertiveness training, and a few homework assignments.

Participants learn about the importance of exercise in preventing falls and practice exercises to improve strength, coordination, and balance. Participants also conduct a home safety evaluation and learn to get up and down safely. Class size is limited to 15 participants.

Sign-up here
