What to Expect

"Loving those who don’t know Jesus and growing those who do."

What to Expect

Welcome to the La Casa Family!  You are welcome to join us for worship Saturdays at 5pm in the Sanctuary; Sunday at 8am and 9:15am in the Sanctuary and 10:30 in the Gathering Place.

Here’s what to expect when you come to worship on our campus:

We have two spaces where we gather for worship. The Sanctuary this is used for our traditional worship services and a space called “The Gathering Place” used for our contemporary worship services. Anyone is welcome to any of our worship services at any time.

The Sanctuary is the tall building on the east side of our campus. Enter through the main doors from the courtyard of our campus. “The Gathering Place” building is the large building towards the southwest corner of our campus. You may enter “The Gathering Place” may be accessed directly from the southwest parking lot. Look for the sign above the doors that read “The Gathering Place”.



What Time Should I Show Up?

People generally start coming into the worship space about 10-15 minutes before the service starts. That gives time to settle into your seat and get ready for worship. Services start promptly at the advertised times.

Traditional Services
Saturday, 5pm – Sanctuary
Sunday, 8am – Sanctuary
Sunday, 9:15am – Sanctuary

Contemporary Service
Sunday, 10:30am – Gathering Place

Where Do I Go?

We worship in two distinct spaces: The Sanctuary is home to our traditional worship services and the Gathering Place is used for contemporary worship. Everyone is welcome to any of our worship services at any time. 

The Sanctuary is the tall building on the east side of campus. Enter through the main doors from the center courtyard. 

The Gathering Place is the large building near the southwest corner of our campus. You may enter directly from the main parking lot. Look for the sign above the doors that says Gathering Place.

Will I Be Expected to Give Money?

No. Worship services are free and open to everyone in the community. The purpose of gathering is to worship God, with no strings attached. Many in our church community believe so much in the church’s mission that they give an offering to show their support for the work of the church. However, there is no expectation of first-time visitors to give a monetary offering.

You may give in plates that are passed during worship services or online

What About My Kids?

Kids of all ages are always welcome in worship. Our nursery, for infants-3 years old, is available during 9:15 & 10:30 am worship services.

LaCasa Kids (3 yrs-5th grade) meet at 9:15am and 10:30 in the Kids Room (Rm. 101 in the 2-story Education Bldg.)

Middle School (6th to 8th grade) meet in Room 201 at 9:15am

High School (9th to 12 grade) meet in Room 205 at 9:15am


Communion is served on the first and third weekends of the month. We practice open communion.  Anyone who has accepted Christ as their savior is welcome to receive communion, regardless of their church or denomination. You do not have to be a member of La Casa de Cristo to receive communion.

How Should I Dress?

That is up to you.  Dress in what is comfortable to worship our great GOD.

1 Timothy instructs us that we should lift out hands in prayer without anger and to dress modestly.

What Does a Typical Worship Service Look Like?

Worship includes music, a time of prayer, and a message.

Traditional Service
Contemporary Service