December 30, 2020
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
“Well, two out of three isn’t bad!” That phrase comes to mind as I read Romans 12:12. Joyful in hope, check. Yes, I am joyful that my hope is in Jesus. Faithful in prayer—I try to take everything to Him in prayer. Patient in affliction…nope.
Patience is the fruit of the spirit that I imagine should look something like a large, ripe, juicy, vibrant plum. However, mine looks more like a raisin that has been stuck between the couch cushions for a while. I know that God will grow my patience and that the adversity and struggles I face are helping to do just that. But, if I’m honest, that’s not an area where I currently exhibit patience. I have a hard time waiting for God’s answer in a given situation. I plow ahead on my own power only to find I am right back to square one (Jonah anyone?). Or equally as bad, I complain about the situation and the waiting instead of looking at it as an opportunity for growth. I hope and pray that God will change my heart and my habits in this area.
During this time Lord, please help me be more patient as I rely on and trust in You. Amen
Donna Bosley