August 11, 2020
They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the scriptures?”Luke 24:32
After Jesus’ death, two of His disciples, confused and sorrowful, headed to Emmaus and talked about what had happened. As they walked, Jesus joined them, yet they did not recognize Him. Hearing their story about Him, Jesus “interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself” (Luke 24:27). Later when He broke bread with them, “their eyes were opened” (Luke 24:31) and Jesus vanished. It was then that they realized why their hearts had burned within them as He had spoken to them.
Like those disciples, we may feel confused, alone, and worried about what has happened or will happen. But you can take heart, because Jesus comes alongside to explain things to you. He will give you hope, for He still walks and talks with you!
Jesus, sometimes we feel all alone. Help us to recognize Your presence walking with us. Open our eyes and hearts as we seek Your Word. Amen.
Jennine Ulibarri